Artículos De Revisión (5), Número 5
Isabel Betancor Fernández Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) Arch. Med. Univ. 2018, No5, ISSN: 2341-0361. Abstract: Objectives: To revise the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in gallbladder carcinomas. To revise the role of molecular...
Artículos De Revisión (5), Número 5
José Ignacio Martínez Montoro 6th-year student, Faculty of Medicine of Granada. Arch. Med. Univ. 2018, No5, ISSN: 2341-0361. Asbtract: The concept of “Limitation of the therapeutic effort” (LTE) is based on the withdrawal or non-initiation of futile...
Artículos De Revisión (5), Número 5, Uncategorized
Laínez Ramos-Bossini, AJ Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada, Spain. Arch. Med. Univ. 2018, No5, ISSN: 2341-0361. Abstract: This paper is aimed at revising the scientific literature about mucopolysaccharidosis type III in order to describe its...
Artículos De Revisión (5), Número 5
Violeta Echeverría Martín Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance Arch. Med. Univ. 2018, No5, ISSN: 2341-0361. Abstract: Brain function is a somewhat complex issue. However, based on the theory of the network system that includes concepts such as Modularity,...
Artículos De Revisión (5), Número 5
Gil Muñoz, José Manuel School of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry, University of Seville, Spain. ISSN: 2341-0361. Abstract: Sensory stimuli provide benefits and better results when combined with a motor treatment, both when there is a motor deficit and in the...